Name: Trisha Joanna Corton
Code name: 00006
Age: 26
Height.: 6'2"
Weight: 145
IQ: 200
Years experience: 1
Marital status: Single
Agency grade: A-
Place of Birth: just outside Dallas, TX
Weapon of Choice: PN-3 9 mm
Obsession: Super Smash Bros.
First appearance
Yet another Agent targeted at a young age by The Agency. While not showing signs of advancedness until 6th grade, she sped through Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2 in 7th grade, and had finished Trig by 10th grade. However, she elected to serve out her last 2 years at high school, and gained local fame by pitching a perfect game in the state championship game for her high school softball team. Went to Harvard for 7 years to get a major in Pre Law and a post-grad in Law. She left college with aspirations of becoming a lawyer, but before she reached her first job interview, she was taken aside by an Agency operative and told about the job offering and where to go if interested. She was met by a young man by the name of James Blond, who convinced her to join The Agency. Fresh out of The Agency academy, Trisha is the newest member operative of The Agency, but one of the more talented, as her academy grade shows.
Spiffy personal secret:
Is the younger sister of Mark "M-Boy" Corton (00003), the weapons lab and weird inventions guru for the Agency.

0000 Agent, Q0A, and all related characters, icons, and so on are copyright 2001, 2002 by ANDREW HOFFMAN!!! Steal my stuff under penalty of watching Judge Judy. You know you don't want that to happen, do you? DO YOU? All rights, lefts, and in-betweens reserved... fool.
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