Name: Mark Johnathan Corton
Code name: 00003, M-Boy
Age: 35
Height.: 5'11"
Weight.: 167 lbs.
IQ: 215
Years experience: 12
Agency grade: A
Marital status: single
Place of Birth: Just outside Dallas, TX
Weapon of choice: APABS (Agency Personal Assult Battle Suit, which is still in Beta testing.)
Obsession: Creating the untimate weapon
First appearance
The second agent chosen in the Agency's history, Mark was the first of two children, the other of which was Trisha, also employed in the Agency. Mark went through high school and college easily passing anything thrown at him, graduating from TSU with a major in engineering. He was then hired by the Agency and put into duty alongside Stryker as the Agency's only two Agents. However, soon disaster struck. After four years on the job, during a mission with Stryker, Mark was cornered, shot repeatedly, and left for dead. He was found a little while later by Stryker, unconcous and bleeding baddly from 10 slugs to his torso and 5 to his lower face. However, Mark lucked out. Barely alive when Stryker got him to the Agency, they discovered he had taken no damage to his major organs (i.e. heart, lungs, stomach, liver, ect.). After 5 hours of surgery, Mark had all the bullets removed and his bones reset. He spent the next two years working in the weapons lab in a wheelchair, honing his skill for when he returned to active duty. However, when he was fully recovered, he was doing a great job in the weapons lab, and, with the hiring of James Blond, would be unnecessary as an Agent, so he was keep as first-in-command of the weapons lab. Since then, Mark has taken quite a nack to the job, becoming something of a "Q" with a love for large explosions.
Interesting little factoid:
In high school, Mark blew up the chemestry lab while attempting to make a mixture for class. It was later determined that "somehow" glycerine has been replaced with nitro-glycerine. Perhaps a bit of foreshadowing to his current job?

0000 Agent, Q0A, and all related characters, icons, and so on are copyright 2001, 2002 by ANDREW HOFFMAN!!! Steal my stuff under penalty of watching Judge Judy. You know you don't want that to happen, do you? DO YOU? All rights, lefts, and in-betweens reserved... fool.
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