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0000 Agent!!!
0000 Agent appears on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! 

Friday , September 27 , 2002
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JUL Sep 2002
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Semi-Kinda-Top Secret News
Betcha didn't see that one coming.
Yeah, I'm catching up on this. My lazyness whall be remedied, and I'm working on improving my Hoffime art style. The new version premieres tomorrow.
Wow. I haven't updated the news box in AGES. Anyways, we are back online, and pay attention to this storyline, because it's going to be the first "serious" storyline. Wanna clue as to what's gonna happen? Fine. At least one Agent will die. Ha. Betcha didn't see that one coming. I'd suggest you read the cast section before this happens. Get to know everyone. Yeah. Do that. Now. Why are you still reading this? Read the cast page! It's to the left! No you fool, your OTHER left!!! *sigh* you people are hopless. Oh, and there's gonna be an extra-large comic on the 24th, which is a tuesday, to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the comic. Hopefully, this storyline will go off without a hitch.
Now read the cast page. There's nothing else here. READ IT!!!
Well, I didn't find a young priest and an old priest, but I did find the "Image Size" tool in Photoshop, so all is well. Heck, I also just got a new 17" monitor, an immense imporvement in color quality. How so? Well red's are a lot lighter now. See the red in James' tie looked black. Yikes. I'm amazed how the colors REALLY were in the old comics.
Anyways, many appologies for the lack of updates recently. I was suffering from a severe case of Murphyslaw isabitcheis. First my scanner gets shot to hell, then when that starts to work the internet connection on my computer gets killed. But all is well, because not only is there a new comic here today, but there's also A NEW ARTFORM!!! Yes, today is the official introduction of the "Hoffime" art style. I also drew some little sketches that will be posted in the upcoming sketchbook section. Plus, it's getting to be time to update the website design. I need to get a better background than this dull grey.
And finally, here's a hint for you all: cartooning in the back of a 2000 Ford Explorer (the bastard child of SUV's) on the Jersey Turnpike is NOT a good idea.
Check out the news Archive!

Check out my other comic, Damn This Locker! It's high school RPG parody fun! Need another reason?


0000 Agent, Q0A, and all related characters, icons, and so on are copyright 2001, 2002 by ANDREW HOFFMAN!!! Steal my stuff under penalty of watching Judge Judy. You know you don't want that to happen, do you? DO YOU? All rights, lefts, and in-betweens reserved... fool.
0000 Agent is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.