And a happy D-Day to you! (for the
confused ones out there, on this day, 58 years ago, American, British,
and Canadian forces landed in Normandy, France, beginning the liberation
of France from Nazi rule. Yeesh! You should know that!)
And on an unrelated note, my scanner
is the source of all evil. It's finally working, but on new software. I'm
not sure if that's why, but suddenly everything scanned is about
3x larger than normal. So until that's fixed, no new comics. Sorry, but
I just can't help my scanner being posessed. Now, if I could only find
a young priest and an old priest...
Well, this has been a rather unplesant
forced hiatus. First, just as my backlog was about to run out, and some
uploaded comics that were uncomplete were completed... my connection suddendly
developed sentience and made the decision to prevent me from accessing
any Keenspace subdomain. And it stayed that way. I thought up many alternatives:
senting the stuff to a friend for him to upload, different websites, but
then, to my surprise, on the 4th, my connection kicks back in. Yay! And
then the virus struck. No! I lost all the .jpg files on my computer (including
the recently rebuilt but not yet uploaded backlog) and was cut off from
the internet for a week. Then I get back on, and suddenly, Internet Explorer
is working for the first time since November last year! Okay, I got some
help from my brother, but it's working! However, just as that happens,
my parents decide to replace the old backbedroom computer. Problem: that's
the computer the scanner is on. So the scanner is currently out of order
just as I need to scan some stuff. Oh well, to hold you off from killing
me, check out the new and improved cast
pages. Enjoy!
Okay, first off,
Okay, now that I've got that out of my
system, I need to say that the new rant isn't up yet. Why? Because part
of the facts I based my opinions and lamentations on wern't actually factual.
So, I'm gonna need some time to research and redo my rant. Also, shooting
skeet is damn fun (Skeet. You know. Load the the clay pidgon, "PULL!!!,"
BLAM!!!). 34 out of 50 for my first time with a 25 for 33 run. Kickass.
BEHOLD, WE'RE BACK! Thats right,
Q0A is back, and we've got plot advancement! Not only that, but this storyline
has Perfect Dark! Yay!
Also, incase you're wondering why the
quality of my comics has so suddenly skyrocketed? Why, it's becasue of
the wonder that is Adobe Photoshop!
And finally, I'm working on a new rant.
It should be up soon (soon meaning monday next week).
Dismissed, Agents.
Wow. I haven't updated in a LONG
time. Oh well, here's my explination.
Recently a lot of things have gone wrong.
First, as many of you know, the Keenspace server went on the fritz. Nobody
on Keenspace, including me, could update. And just about then, my damned
modem goes on the fritz. By time it's been solved, it's this weekend, when
everything goes wrong. First on friday, a new antibiotic I had been put
on turns out to be the only medicine I'm alergic to. Of course, I don't
know this until I'm coming down with a fullblown case of hives. And if
that isn't enough, on Sunday I eat some bad cookies, which I'm pretty sure
gave me food poisioning, because I was ill on Sunday night, started vomiting,
and ended up missing the second half of the Super Bowl (DAMMIT!!!!!). Oh
well, anyways, right now I'm busy experimenting with different ways to
improve the comic, i.e. make the print more legible, improve the coloring,
ect. I should be back by mid March at the latest. I'm really not in the
mood to rush myself. Sorry folks. But until then...
Yes, I am having a VERY Merry Christmas.
Why? Cause of the gifts, of course. Not only did I get some benificial
art supplies (blue lead, new eraser, and a new skin colored pencil), but
I also got... GAMECUBE!!! Also I got Luigi's Mansion and Star Wars: Rogue
Squadron 2. But best of all... a 40 gig hard drive, a quantom leap over
my current 1.96 gig hard drive. And, finally, the familly got a DVD player,
and a DVD of The Matrix... which I have never seen. I intend to have watched
it multiple times before the end of vacation.
I'd say merry Christmas, but the Cube
is calling...
Well, here we have the start of a
new storyline. Enjoy it, it will get odd. Very odd. And it will involve
Scrabble. Yes it will.
Also, tomorrow I will have up a special
holiday edition of Q0A. However, which version you see depends on whether
I get one gift I want or not. So don't expect it until 12:00 at the earliest.
And finally, post on the forum.
Thats right! 0000 Agent has a forum!!!
Well, yes you first have to register with the Keenspace boards, but none
the less... FORUM!!!
Also, on my other site, my old comic,
This Locker, has been recreated and is alive and well. Check it out.
It's funny.
Well, if you're here, you've more
then likely been directed here by my other
website. Otherwise, you saw this on the list and thought it looked
cool. If the latter is true, you're probably wondering why the news date
says "12/3" when it isn't 12/3 yet. Well, go to my other site and find
Folks, I hope you know I hate to
do this to you cause I really do. But I'm afraid there will be no comic
today. Or on Monday, Wendsday, or next Friday. There will also be no GWF
on Saturday. Why? Cause High School is a bitch. I'm getting piles of homework
dumped on me (I only have ONE class out of my six real classes [not including
homeroom or GYM] that is not homework intensive) and the combination of
High School, home work, swimming, scouts, and a comic is simply too much.
So one has to go... and thats the comic.
I am simply placing it on hiatus until
December 3rd. At that point, check back here. I should have the site vastly
improved, a massive backlog of comics built up, and my computer problems
solved. Plus, I've got one hell of a trick up my sleve to use on you. Check
back on December 3rd. I'll start up with what would've been Wendsdays comic.
P.S.: If any of you out there are cartoonists,
and feel so inclined, go ahead and make me a guest comic. I'd be more than
happy to put your comic up here, as well as a link to your comic!
P.P.S.: On second thought, actually check
back every so often, in the event of guest cartoons.
Ugh... well, for those of you who
are curious, I was in Indiana at Purdue University over the weekend. That
is why there was no GWF or AIK. Actually, in terms of AIK, i'm placing
AIK on hiatus. It's just not as fun as I woulda thought. Plus, given the
charcters have already established, it's pretty hard to write for. Also,
I'm working on some other cartoon projects that are a lot beter and easier
than AIK. So it might come back, but don't hold your breath.
And one final note... how about them
Redskins, huh?
And on the 7th day, the cartoonist
said, let there be SmartFTP, and
lo, there was, and he smiled, for it was good.
Alright, it didn't go exactly like that,
but none the less, Internet Explorer is still being a bitch, so I'm gonna
try to get some help from Intel or Microsoft tech support. But I finally
installed SmartFTP, and so there
will be comics. Yay!
Also, read
my post on the attacks on Afghanistan. I extend the same challenge to you
readers. If any of you think you have a good reason to let Al Qaeda be,
it to me. I'll reply and post both emails in the rants section. I atleast
hope someone will object... c'mon, I'm rearin' to debate this, and no one
to debate with! Oh well...
And finally, there will be no GWF this
weekend unless NICK gets cartoonin' and emails me one. HINT HINT, NICK.
Well, the problems on my end are
still acting up. So, I'm afriad I'm going to take a 1 week break. I'll
use it to fix my problems with Internet Explorer, build up a backlog of
comics, and also work on other parts of the site, such as the characters
section. It'll be spiffy. Check back in on Oct. 24. Do it or I'll hurt
Sorry folks, no new comic for you
yet. Keyword being YET. As I'm writing this, it's 11:18 PM on the 16th,
Internet Explorer is being a bitch, Netscape is being a bitch, the Keenspace
FTP is being a bitch, Windows is being a bitch, and the Skins lost to the
Cowboys so I'm just plain feeling bitchy. Such so, that even though I'm
writing this at an ungodly hour of night (I'm a 15 year-old freshman in
high school who is borderline insomniac; so 11:15 IS ungodly for me), I'm
sure that I won't be able to get this up until about 3 PM on the 17th,
along with the comic, so this whole level of bitching was totally redundant.
Ugh. I'm going to bed. Cope.
Well, riddle me this, Batman. What
causes a web cartoonist to suddenly explode with unbelieveable joy? Simple:
That right! I no longer have to use the
networked one downstairs! Well, sure, it's an old Lexmark Color Jetprinter
1020, so it's slow as all get out, but still, this kicks ass! Yeah!
Well, a Hoffman is a busy man. And
that's exactly what yesterday was. Busy. In the bad kinda way. On tuesday
I suffered a head injury which appears to be a mild concussion. On Wednesday
my head was giving me all hell, so I got it checked out. I needed to get
a CAT scan. I'm perfectly fine, just a bit of post-concussion stuff, but
nonetheless, it totally eschewed a total day of school. SCORE!
Secondly, today I've got a guest comic
at It Hurts To Be This Stupid by Carson
Raycraft! Yay! Pimp the comic! Pimp the comic!
Ugh... new comic... not much more
to say... 'cept I'll be putting up extra comics after awhile... awhile
being between next week and next month. Dismissed, Agents.
That's right! We're bombing the Taliban
and Al-Qaeda, and hopefully, ground invasion will soon follow. Look out
Bin Ladin, cause you're screwed. In support of this, I'll soon have a nifty
little icon up on the main page I'll leave up for the rest of the war linking
to foxnews.com, my personal favorite
news source.
Also, in a semi unrelated occurance,
#2 is up. Enjoy, and dismissed, Agents!
First off, Uberthanks to Josh Phillips
of Avalon for running my Guest
Strip for him. Secondly, those of you coming here from Avalon, please
note that what you see above is not the normal comic. That is "Ain't It
Keen," a little side project of mine. And don't hit back, because that
will go to Geniuses with Flamethrowers, by Nick Voigt. To start at the
real comic, CLICK HERE
or, if you want to wander through my first attempt at a comic, hit the
first button. Dismissed, Agents!
Woah... haven't updated the news
in some time. Oh well, not much to talk about. Rant #2 should be up by
late friday. Also, I've come up with some more ideas I'm currently working
on in terms of comics. One is a comic like the Far Side, its random jokes
with no consistent characters, only it always revolves around the area
of school. As for the other project, well, I'm not talking. It's simply
too big to reveal at the current time. Dismissed, Agents.
Here you go, Nick. The first GWF
comic! Hope you like it!
Also, tomorrow, when the first AIK goes
up, it will not be on the main page. See that part called "Ain't It Keen"
on the "Hark! 'Tis A Menu!"? Click that. It'll take you to the comic.
And finally, in an unrelated area of
interest, THE
REDSKINS CUT JEFF GEORGE!!! YAY!!! Now maybe we can score a touchdown!
First off, yesterday was my birthday!
Yay! We are now in the 15th year of El Hoffgod! And, most importantly,
I got Madden 2002 for the N64, and the game ROCKS!
Secondly, I've put together the starts
of a links section. I'll
put the rest up over time. But, none the less, check it out!
Thirdly, I'm putting together a Rants
section, where I'll give voice to my unique views. Check it out.
And finally, please email
me about what you think about 0000 Agent or how I could improve it. Later,
Here it is folks! The first ever
0000 Agent!!! Also, premiering this saturday and sunday, in order, will
be the first ever Geniuses With Flamethrowers and Ain't it Keen!!! GLEE!!!
Peter Jennings is an idiot. Read
about it here.
Well, the good that I predicted would
come out of this is showing its self. It's a pitty it took an event like
this for what I predicted to come true, but the little silver lining is
showing itself. The younger generation of America has been instilled with
a new sense of patriotism. America, along with almost all of the industrialized
world are determined to bring these people to justice. This, I predict,
will start an all out war on terrorism. Not counter terrorism, but taking
out terrorists before they strike, not after.
As for myself, I think my opinion is
summed up in the comic. Its time for justice.
Also, this will be the last comic until
the 24th when Q0A premiers. Trust me, it'll be leaps and bounds above DTL.
And finally, the new Keenspot selections
are in! They are Fat Jesus, Chopping Block, Gene Catlow, and RPG World.
Surprise! No Sporkman! Sorry Troutman! |
While the bad news continues to pour
in from New York and Arlington, there are some slight glimmers of hope.
In New York, five firefighters were rescued from underneath the rubble
of the World Trade Center complex. As insignificant as five may be as compared
to the amount lost, none the less, that's five less families in grieving,
and when you consider all the friends of those families and the coworkers
of the firefighters rescued, all of a sudden, five people don't seem so
Also, there are some more additions to
the Tributes section,
and please, keep on donating whatever you can... time, blood, money, it's
all needed... and highly appreciated.
And God bless America.
Today, as I looked through my daily
webcomics, I wasn't surprised to find a large amount of tributes and memorials
to the victims of yesterdays cowardly attack. However, what did surprise
me was how much they moved me. Please,
here and pay tribute. And please, whether it be donating money, giving
blood, just help the victims and the rescue workers out. I know I would,
but I'm too young to give blood... which sucks...
Our nation is in shock today as we
recover from the unspeakable. The World Trade Center, a trademark of America,
has been destroyed. The Pentagon was also attacked. The weapons: four hijacked
commercial jetliners. The casualties are expected to exceed 10,000 dead.
Reports have over 100 New York City firefighters dead. We've just experienced
the second Pearl Harbor folks. America will never be the same.
None the less, life must go on. To quote
"Terrorism's goal is to disrupt life and order. It has as its goal to make
everyone want to hide away in their houses, under their beds. To fill the
heart and mind with despair. To shut down the human capacity to HOPE. To
"But we can't let them win. We CAN'T
SURRENDER our freedom...
"So to all of you I say this: DON'T hide
from this. DON'T despair, and DON'T give in to hate or irrational thoughts
of vengeance. We have to stay STRONG in the shadow of this terrible event.
We OURSELVES have to be the beacons of LIGHT that will lead us out of this
darkness, and that MUST lead to JUSTICE being delivered -- fairly, wisely.
HUMANLY" Personally, I decided to quote these words because even if I tried,
I could not have put it better.
So remember these words as we go through
the horror cast upon the world by this event. Despite what they say, they
can not nearly say what is needed to be said. So, no matter what, remain
strong, remember the victims, and never give up. Never...
WAHOO! With much thanks to my dad,
my A: drive is now fixed... and you've got yourself an intro! Also, I'm
going to do a preview for the Washington Redskins 2001 season, so tune
in if you like the Redskins or ridiculing other peoples opinions.
Folks, it is now apparent, and painfully
so, that I will not get the preview up tomorrow. Because I now have no
freaking clue when the disk drive will be fixed, I'm setting it for the
14th. *HOPEFULLY* it'll be fixed by then... kay? Good
SHIATEETE! You know those metal slidy
protector things on 3" disks? Well, one came off... IN MY A: DRIVE.
So as of right now, I don't know if I'll be able to get the preview up
on the 7th as promised. Tune in on the 7th, its the only way to find out...
(This space for rent)
(This space for rent)