Name: Keith Thomas Arriman
Code name: 00001, The Boss
Age: 42
Height.: 6'1
Weight.: 192 lbs.
IQ: 185
Years experience: 15
Agency grade: N/A (founded the Agency)
Marital status: single
Place of Birth: Washington D.C.
Weapon of choice: N-Bomb (class 3)
Obsession: Ridding the world of his evil adverseries.
First appearance
Background information to be added in next update.
Interesting little factoid:
Interesting little factoid to be added in next update.
0000 Agent, Q0A, and all related characters, icons, and so on are copyright 2001, 2002 by ANDREW HOFFMAN!!! Steal my stuff under penalty of watching Judge Judy. You know you don't want that to happen, do you? DO YOU? All rights, lefts, and in-betweens reserved... fool.
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