Employees of The Agency have to meet extremely rigorous conditions to even be considered for employment. However, the perks can't be beat. All agency personnel live in one co-ed complex, but this isn't exactly college dorm conditions. Each employee has an independent room, complete with a full bedroom, a full bathroom, a full kitchen, a large living room, a large flat-screen TV, a computer equipped with a Pentium 4 processor, Windows 2000, and 80 Gigs of memory, a T4 connection, a scanner, flat-screen monitor, and majority of the costs of living are covered by The Agency's budget. All other accessories are covered by the agents themselves from their salary. Speaking of salary, pay range varieties from position to position, but it's still very high. Pay ranges from $175,000 annually for a trainee to $500,000 annually for a fully fledged agent (all totals before taxes, of course).