Name: James Paul Blond
Code name: 00004
Age: 27
Height.: 6'3"
Weight.: 210 lbs.
IQ: 225
Years experience: 7
Agency grade: A+
Marital status: single
Place of Birth: Northern Virginia
Weapon of choice: KP-35 Assult Rifle
Obsession: Washington Redskins Football
First appearance
Born a normal kid in a normal town in a normal Washington DC suburb, James quickly set himself apart from the other kids. Learning to talk at only 4 months old and to read at 9 months, Blond was automatically placed into advanced classes in school. His IQ was judged to be in the low 200's. He graduated from Purdue University as valedictorian at age 19 with a major in computer engineering. He was targeted by The Agency from a young age as a potential agent. Upon graduation, he was taken to talk to the Boss. He was offered a great job at The Agency, free housing, free meals, high pay, 401k, retirement benefits, all assuming he could pass The Agency tests. Not only did he pass, he got an unmatched A+ grade, an Agency all time high. He has been working for The Agency for seven years now, an extraordinary amount for such a young agent. Gained fame in The Agency for defusing the nuclear bomb Most Baddest Grammar Boy placed underneath the annual gathering of English teachers in New York City.
Interesting little factoid:
Nearly got expelled from one school system for fighting. Not cause he fought the kid, but because he broke the kid's jaw and collarbone... and this kid was actually 5 years older and 7 inches taller than him.

0000 Agent, Q0A, and all related characters, icons, and so on are copyright 2001, 2002 by ANDREW HOFFMAN!!! Steal my stuff under penalty of watching Judge Judy. You know you don't want that to happen, do you? DO YOU? All rights, lefts, and in-betweens reserved... fool.
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